Uh-oh... Did you try turning it on and off again?
Use this checklist to gather all the info we need, so that we can help troubleshoot your issue more effectively!
What component of the application were you in?
Examples: Self-Service site, Agent Portal, Salesforce iFrame, Solution Manager, Reporting console
Include the URL in which the problem occurs
This isn't always necessary, but more often than not, this helps.
Steps to reproduce the problem
What were you doing that led up to the problem?
Does it consistently happen all the time?
Take a screenshot or screen-record the issue happening.
Extra credit: press F12 in your browser window to open DevTools. On the Console tab, click on any red errors to expose them. Screenshotting this information usually helps.
To open a ticket, click the button below and when selecting a category, choose Sage Knowledgebase (RightAnswers).
NOTE: if the link below doesn't work, the manual path via ServiceNow is:
Business Services > Customer, Partner, and Developer Journey.