This is an alert for Sage 50cloud.
This is a rich-text element section that would be empty unless populated on the product's CMS record. This section and its content is unique to the product. In here, a product owner or admin can edit the header and body of this text and put miscellaneous links inline, or in a series of list items below. This area can be used for:
The button below can also go to any destination.
Il s'agit d'une alerte spécifique au produit. Lorsque l'alerte est remplie, elle s'affiche. Lorsqu'il n'est pas peuplé, il ne s'affichera pas. Cette zone prend en charge les liens, les images et les incorporations HTML.
The content from this specific section is a static mock-up of how content from a federated search appliance might appear. It must be in Coveo to keep the page build dynamic and reduce manual configuration. This content would be pulled from federated search. This is how I imagine it would be organized and styled.
Please note that "Getting Started" content is already available in cloud products during on-boarding -- it has its own dedicated tab when the user is starting the product. We would have it here for redundancy.
We can embed custom code (HTML) in any area of these pages: within the head, body, footer, or in any div block within this design. On the product's CMS record (and on this page), we can store a product parameter similar to our collection IDs in RightAnswers (like "businesscloud-en-us"), which can be passed into the Coveo code.
The Coveo code would be static, whereas the paramater would be dynamically generated.
The content in each tab would come from federated search.
Contains all of the "Cream" content from multiple sources. I've given a few here as examples.
All support articles tagged with "How do I..."
Common Problems
All support articles or content tagged with "I have a problem with..." and "Known issues" from the Product Documentation.
This is a rich-text element section that would be empty unless populated on the product's CMS record. This section and its content is unique to the product. In here, a product owner or admin can edit the header and body of this text and put miscellaneous links inline, or in a series of list items below. This area can be used for:
The button below can also go to any destination.